In BlastField, forts serve as key strategic points that shape the outcome of battles, acting as strongholds that must be defended at all costs. Before each engagement, players have the opportunity to strategically position their forts across the battlefield, selecting optimal locations that offer defensive advantages and tactical opportunities.



HPDamageLuckySpeedRange*Defence*Crit. Chance(%)*Crit. Damage*Resistance

Tactical Deployment

The deployment of forts is a critical decision that can sway the course of battle. Players must carefully assess factors such as terrain features, line of sight, and proximity to key objectives when choosing where to position their forts. Placing a fort on elevated terrain provides increased visibility and firing arcs, while situating it near chokepoints or defensive positions can help control enemy movements and limit their options.

Defensive Structures

BlastField forts are fortified with a variety of defensive structures and installations, including anti-aircraft batteries, coastal artillery emplacements, and ground-based defenses. These structures offer essential protection against enemy attacks and help fortify key positions on the battlefield. Players can further reinforce their forts with defensive upgrades and enhancements, such as reinforced walls, minefields, and camouflage netting, to strengthen their defensive capabilities and withstand enemy assaults.

Command Center

At the core of each fort lies the command center, where players oversee their forces, monitor enemy movements, and execute strategic maneuvers. The command center acts as the central hub of the player's operations, providing critical intelligence and situational awareness to inform their decision-making process during battle. Players can enhance their command centers with advanced communication systems, radar arrays, and command and control facilities to improve their tactical effectiveness and coordination capabilities.

Strategic Outposts

In addition to their primary forts, players can establish strategic outposts and forward operating bases to extend their influence across the battlefield and project power into enemy territory. These outposts serve as forward staging areas for offensive operations, offering logistical support, resupply capabilities, and reconnaissance assets to further players' objectives. By creating a network of strategic outposts, players can exert greater control over the battlefield and disrupt enemy supply lines, communication networks, and reinforcement routes.

Dynamic Defense

Fort deployment in BlastField is not a static endeavor but rather a dynamic and fluid process that adjusts to the evolving conditions of the battlefield. Players must remain vigilant and responsive to enemy actions, adapting their fortifications and defensive strategies in real-time to counter emerging threats and exploit enemy vulnerabilities. By maintaining flexibility and adaptability in their fort placement, players can effectively defend their positions and secure victory on the battlefield.